Friday, December 12, 2008


I finally took the time to gather all my illustrations and posters
on my Flickr account:

Here is a preview:

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

La Culture Senflamme

Anna Sjostrom, Directrice, stratégie & marketing

Alors que le gouvernement Harper annonce des coupes à blanc dans la culture canadienne, les soldats de la paix prennent les armes.
Tour à tour, ils portent leurs voix à l'écrit, et laissent "un p'tit mot pour notre culture".
Une initiative de Varial, Sandra Bagaria et Émilie Grenier (Bluesponge)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

TrÜdE's Headquarter

Here are some photos of my new apartment/office:

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bluesponge family tree: TrÜdE 000

I've found a picture that shows the illustration that I've done and stock on the wall with Vinyl at the Montreal's best 2.0 web agancy, Bluesponge:

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

You can now play the Geek-O-Meter yourself!!!

Well, it's now online. It was really fun to work on that project.

Here's a review and the credits:

"La tradition voulant qu’un des coprésidents développe la campagne publicitaire de l’événement, cette année, pizza4all et ses amis de bluesponge signent une campagne mix délurée (imprimé et interactif) démontrant qu’on gagne tous à réveiller le geek qui sommeille en chacun de soi. Cette campagne en deux volets (période d’inscription et vente des billets du Gala) aura comme pierre angulaire le bientôt célèbre Geek-O-Meter, un outil scientifique permettant de mesurer très précisément son taux de geekomie et d’en communiquer fièrement les résultats à ses amis."

"Crédits :

Direction de création : Marian Kolev & Normand Miron
Direction marketing : Anna Sjostrom
Design : Mathieu Trudel
Rédaction : Émilie Grenier
Programmation : Briac Guibert
Coordination : Sandra Bagaria
Photographie : Jorge Camarotti
Cliente : Karen Falkenberg "

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Play the Geek-O-Meeter yourself next week!!!

Here's a screen shot of the Geek-O-Meeter, that is an online quizz
(to promote the Digital Marketing Awards in Toronto, fall 08)

At the end of the quizz, they ask you to take a picture of your face to match the blank template that in the quizz with the webcam.
Then, judging on how much you've scored,
your face get implemented into one of
18 different backgrounds / bodies / hair.

I score as a 2nd level of a 8-Bit-Geek. the worst you can score is a
wannabee-geek and the highest is a Über-Geek!

Online next week. Will post the link, for you to try it yourself. Post your photos, so I can see that people are enjoying my work!

I've done 80% of the photoshop work, assebling all the layouts and the reshearch to get that exact feels for all the levels, and boys /girls...Hooray for Flickr!!!